The magazine “Meccanica News” tells in an in-depth article about our new collaboration with Groppalli, born as a family business and which has become an important international reality in the production of components for heating, air conditioning and fixing systems.
In its Italian headquarters in Gragnano Trebbiense (Piacenza) it has installed a molding line consisting of an Omet press and Asservimenti Presse feeding line, to provide growth opportunities for small and medium-sized producers.

More in detail, the new molding line consists of a 500-ton Omet press, equipped with a 3,000 mm table, 400 mm stroke, with Link Drive kinematics, able to guarantee the availability of the entire thrust even at low continuous rates. 12 strokes per minute, and at the same time full reliability for single shot molding operations with the aid of a manipulator. “The presence of the hydraulic clutch – underlines Groppalli – is a choice shared with the manufacturer, allowing for maximum safety in performance, repeatability of the blows, in full compliance with the expected quality”

At the basis of the choice to turn to these partners for the realization of this new project – states Groppalli – is the ability to have positively distinguished themselves in their previous supplies. In our factories there are 5 other presses supplied by Omet. I feel I can confidently confirm that what made the difference compared to other competitors was not only the process quality obtainable with their technologies but also, and above all, a reliable and impeccable support and assistance service. Peculiarities, the latter, not always easily found and which, in fact, led to a tendency in the final decision-making phase “.